“… In front of us two large bays, crystal clear, turquoise water and the possibility of navigating with a one meter chop or with flat water like in a salt lake. All this in complete safety, a sandy bottom and costs less than a mile for 360°… a perfect natural gym!”
Roby Naish & Charlie Messner
According to some historians, the inlet of Porto Pollo could be the one described by Homer nell'Odyssey in which Odysseus' men were massacred.
An inlet with turquoise water and fine white sand, completely surrounded by Mediterranean scrub shrubs. Halfway between Palau and Santa Teresa Gallura, near the mouth of the Liscia, Porto Pollo (Portu Puddu in Gallurese) joins the mainland to the beautiful Isola dei Gabbiani (or Isuledda) with a thin sandy tongue. The two 'isthmus-beaches' - the second is called Arenaria - open out like a fan with dunes covered in lavender, mastic tree and juniper and are a natural training ground for water sports. The locality is constantly blown by the wind, sometimes strong, so it is a particularly popular destination for sailors and windsurf and kite surf enthusiasts. On one side or the other of the bay, there will be, alternatively, ideal conditions for surfing or flat seas.